On Tuesday 28th July the EPSRC funded DEAS NetworkPlus will host an online workshop where businesses within the financial services sector will share and debate the challenges and opportunities that they face in financing and adopting Digitally Enhanced Advanced Services (DEAS). Foundational to the success of the NetworkPlus is a thorough understanding of the challenges faced by organisations in the sector as they set about innovating their business models, digital technologies, and organisational change to compete through DEAS.
We very much would welcome researchers to join us at the workshop and ask the questions of these businesses that lead us to begin to define the associated research agenda. We encourage ECRs to attend. The agenda will inform the projects that we commission, and fund, and help to grow the membership of our NetworkPlus. Previous projects have been awarded between £5000 and £100,000 (fEC).
The DEAS Network Plus focuses on how companies can deliver ‘outcomes’ to customers instead of simply selling a product. DEAS exploit digital innovations and embrace society’s increasing appetite for services, and help to deliver business growth, productivity and resilience. A pioneering example of these advanced services exist in industry is Rolls-Royce selling ‘power-by-the-hour’ to airlines rather than just jet engines. We aim to create a community of researchers and practitioners working collectively across and sectors manufacturing, transport, finance services and voluntary) to co-create a comprehensive research agenda that accelerates the development of DEAS.
📅 Tuesday, 28th July 2020, 11:30 - 13:00.
🌐 To reserve your place please complete the registration page at: https://universityofexeter.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAucu-trT8sHdUsDHkXx4zvAvcKi9FAaprx